I started studying at Linn-Benton Community College in 2016, and it is helping me pursue the career that I want. I enrolled in the BA223 "Principles of Marketing" because it was one of the courses I needed to get my degree.
I began attending LBCC due to the fact that I was trying to earn my Business Degree in Accounting.
What I found to be the most interesting thing about marketing is the idea of spreading a message to millions of people, and how it can a impact their lives. The first day of my BA223 class was an eye opener. I had no idea that the clothes I wear and the bags I carry was still advertising its brand by simply adding its logo.
Other than studying, my dream is to travel around the world
" I know, so obvious!". It doesn't matter where I go or what type of transportation method I use, I will still try to accomplish that dream. So far, I have been to most of the part of the Middle East and United States. I have also travelled to Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, United Kingdom, and France.
" I know, so obvious!". It doesn't matter where I go or what type of transportation method I use, I will still try to accomplish that dream. So far, I have been to most of the part of the Middle East and United States. I have also travelled to Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, United Kingdom, and France.
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